organized to guarantee


Two modern production facilities, in the Talamona-Morbegno area, operate in perfect synergy in the development and management of the production process.
We are committed to reduced polluting emissions and separate waste collection. Furthermore, we choose suppliers inspired by sustainable development models to protect the environment. All our packaging is made from BPA-NIA materials, that is BPA - Not Intentionally Added.

Our first facility boasts 10,000 square metre organized for the reception and selection of raw materials, quality control, administration, product research and development, and the Demetra Food Academy.

Our second facility boasts 20,000 square metres organized for labelling, packaging, storage, shipping, and automated order preparation lines. This includes 8,500 pallet spaces that allow us to support current and future sales trends, without stock outages.

organizzati per garantire


At Demetra, technological innovation is a continuous process.
To guarantee 100% safe, preservative-free food, with a high service value, we constantly rise to the challenge.


The fruits of our research and development in numerous process improvements, such as the DIVA System, and product improvements, such as new flexible pouches, formats and sizes. We never stop.




The evolution of cooking.

In 2018, after a few years of development in collaboration with a pool of industrial plant specialists, we created the innovative, Industry 4.0 certified cooking and packaging system, DIVA (Direct Injection-Vacuum Cooking-All-in-one).

A method which, by combining sous-vide cooking with direct steam injection, brings important advantages over traditional systems:


it allows you to cook at a low temperatures, in order to preserve all the natural flavours and aromas of the ingredients


it reduces the amount of oxygen in contact with the food, avoiding oxidation and, therefore, degradation of the colour and flavour of the food


it minimizes the loss of natural aromas of fresh ingredients, preserving them throughout the packaging process


it minimizes handling of the product , avoiding additional thermal and mechanical stresses

The importance of the container, as well as its contents.

Smart Packaging

We were pioneers in packaging our products in extremely resistant pouches, made of food-safe aluminium and polypropylene polylaminate.
By choosing the pouch you can count on some advantages compared to traditional packaging:

circleplus problank profill
  • meno stress termici less thermal stress
  • resa elevata high yield
  • conservazione ottimale optimal preservation
  • minor peso less weight packing
  • ridotto spazio di stoccaggio reduced storage space
  • ridotto impatto di smaltimento reduced waste
  • 10.000

    Tons of vegetables and mushrooms processed

  • +50

    Certified gluten-free products, included in the Italian Coeliac Association (AIC) Handbook

  • 2.800.000

    Pouches packaged on average in 1 year

  • +8.500

    Pallet places available in our logistics unit

  • +50.000

    End customers served via distributors and directly in Italy


Food quality and safety are our dominant values. Which we apply in our daily work, starting with the selection of raw materials and ingredients from trusted suppliers. Our technicians personally visit and periodically audit suppliers to verify their compliance and reliability. In addition, to meet production needs and food trends, we favour the seasonality of raw materials to guarantee greater freshness and palatability.

There are numerous controls on the supply and internal production chain at all stages, guaranteeing complete traceability, from the raw ingredients right through to the finished product. These controls are performed by staff at our quality control laboratory and using the latest generation automated technology, such as metal detectors and x-ray systems.


Why choose Demetra’s quality?


Continuous selection and evaluation of suppliers according to ISO and FSSC standards.


Internal laboratory for quality check and R&D.


Manual selection of raw materials categorized as «sensitive».


Full traceability of ingredients and individual processing steps.


DIVA System for cooking via direct steam injection, under vacuum, and at low temperature.


Control of the absence of metallic foreign bodies by metal detector on filling lines and of non-metallic foreign bodies by x-ray on packaged products.


Over 300 daily controls performed in real time.


More than 4,000 analyzes per year performed internally or by accredited laboratories.

ISO 9001 FSSC 22000 fssc
Certifications and quality controls

For us, certification represents an important milestone on the path towards the constant improvement of our products.

ISO 9001:2015 (CERT-12463-2003-AQ-MIL-SINCERT)
FSSC 22000 V5.1 (261127-2018-AFSMS-ITA-RvA)

We are accredited with the Food and Drug Administration
with FCE Number 12506 and B.T. Act Registration N. 16687880444.